Mudras or the hand gestures in BharatNatyam help in conveying and expressing the emotions. In simple terms, they are like the ABC's of a language. Just as we initially learn the alphabets, then the small words and their meanings, then sentences and finally stories. Similarly we "Abhinaya Darpanam" by Nandikeshwara gives us the basic hand gestures and their meanings, varoius eye, head, neck movements, different leg positions and movements, different gaits, etc.
Following are the shlokas of single and combined hand gestures with meanings and their "viniyoga", that is their uses.
Single Hand Gestures or the Asamyukta Hastas
Single hand Gesture Vinyoga (Uses)
Combined Hand Gestures - Samyuta Hasta
Samyuta Hasta Viniyogam (Uses)
Like these , the dancers is taught many more shlokas and gestures which come under the Angika Abhinaya through which the dancer expresses herself. For more notes on Angika abhinaya , please visit my website nadanam.in
Thanks Very userful for my Baby girl, She was asking for this info. I will get to put together the meanaings of each Mudhra for her now...